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Have had the same with me over the years since I was in my teens.One day at work me and a fella were working and that deja vue happened and as he approached me I said to him what he was about to say to me.His eyes opened and asked "how did you know I was going to say that" all I could say saw it in a dream.My fathers death was another knew the night before had a sense of forboding not knowing why and he passed 4/13/81.What was weird we got the call about the heart attack and mother and younger brother take off to the hospital.I was at the house alone and REO's Time for Me to Fly started playing and God Almighty I started balling my eyes out.I called the hospital (KAFB)and I was told he just passed away.I have had other things a few good premonitions but most have been of some kind of conflict.It has been noted that the little deja vue's just kinda inform you you are were you should be in the course of life.Once one realizes that this body we have is nothing more than a housing for a soul it becomes easier to maybe accept other realms or dimensions.A good study of these other dimensions is "Near Death Experiences" .One that I always remembered was the lady who saw a slipper on the window ledge on the N side of the hospital when she had her's during an operation it was verified..
'Come to think of it, what happened to all them doomsday preppers and the like? They're awfully quiet since the world didn't end on the 21st of December last year, are they still in hiding? Since the Mayan(?) calendar has stopped, whose calendar are we on now, or are we on our own?
Who'll be the first to predict the new date for our next end of the world?'

We are on the calender without end Jan.
You could ask the famous octopus what he thinks...

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