Very cool info up there Bill. Thanks for posting that. I will have to read it some more later when I get off of work.
Thanks Chris - I had a lot of help in weaving the 'threads' together, especially Erich on LW side as well as Ben Bennett who was flying lead in low squadron of 384th BG in the CW that really got hammered... This will be in my revision of the 355th history (expanded to cover Viet Nam and Gulf and Afghanistan actions)
Ben's 1st Div Mission Summary showing where the LW attacks occurred and, combined with my (and Frank Olynyk's) Encounter logs - derived from Encounter Reports and MACR's, pieced where the 355th and 357th FG engaged the LW.. Then Les Butler's and Tony Woods research on LW claims put the final time/places together.
I dearly wish some LW historian would take on the task of doing a LW wide day by day summary like Kent Miller's Fighter Units and pilots of the 8th AF.
One of the hardest things to do was to put LW award to USAAF fighter loss as the LW s/e fighters claimed 12 Mustangs but the 355th and 357th groups only lost 4.. so parsing who shot down whom and where leaves a lot to speculation.
Something like this will never be 100% complete because times and place recollections 'in a gunfight' could never be wholly trusted.
I picked this particular example because I have not yet found another example that demonstrated 8th FC Group/Squadron/Section/Flight attack doctrine against very large forces concentrated by LW over Muncih. It was one helluva fight that illustrated the courage and tenacity of all three elements (BC, FC and LW) in the air battles deep into Germany.
Erich and I have enough combined to do 'another' like this for November 26 battle between the JG301 and 355/2SF over Hannover/Misburg/Gardelegen area