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Got looking at members of our forum who have departed the pattern. Reminded me of the compilation I shared with other aero historians semi-recently, going back many years.

Jeff Ethell 1997
John W.R. Taylor 1999
Pete Bowers 2003
Peter Grosz 2006
Al (Alwyn) Lloyd 2007
Warren Bodie 2009
Rick Duiven 2009
William Green 2010
Dan-San Abbott 2011
Gordon Swanborough 2012
Ray Wagner 2012
Joe Mizrahi 2015
Robin Higham 2015
Bob Dorr 2016
Rene' Francillon 2018
Rosario "Zip" Rausa 2018
Henry Sakaida 2018
Bill Hess 2019
Walt Boyne 2020
Larry Hickey 2021
Bill Larkins 2021
Bob Mikesh 2022
Eric Hammel 2022
Frank Olynyk 2022

I knew many of 'em and was acquainted with others. Most notably Jeff Ethell, Pete Bowers, Ray Wagner, Robin Higham, Bob Dorr, Zip Rausa, Henry Sakaida, Bill Hess, Walt Boyne, Eric Hammel and Frank Olynyk. Some of the remaining old-timers wonder where the next generation's coming from!

Sign me
"The kid" at 73 creak.
Although I'll never find it now, Lt. Col Chilstrom broke the speed of sound in the XP-86 just before Yeager was to make his flight. Yeager and others were at the "Happy Bottom Riding Club" when, late in the evening, Chilstrom took the 86 past Mach in a shallow dive over the club breaking two windows. He was required to fly the 86 gear extended until Yeager made his official flight a week later.

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