October 10-11, 2008- Trojans and Hoovers!

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But seriously, it's not too bad, it's 4700 feet long and 100 feet wide.

That's plenty. Have tried landing on a runway that size after hitting a narrower, shorter runway and you invariable try to land about 5 feet too high. Drop out of the air and go plunk! Doesn't do the landing gear or your reputation any good.
That long! Luxury! The 'short' one at my local club is only about 1,500 feet, and part of that is unusable. Oh! And there're pylons at one end, and a block of apartments at the other! For some reason, there's a cemetary next door to the block of apartments.......
Hi Eric,

>I was up at Paso Robles airport for the annual "Trojans and Hoovers" fly-in.

Thanks for the wonderful pictures!

I had only one opportunity to shoot a T-28 over here, at the ILA Berlin 2002, and I blew it big time ... using a new 600 mm lens without considering the effect it would have on the automatic exposure system of my ancient Minolta body. I have still not gotten over it ... here is my best ever T-28 picture.

(I have about 250 more blurred pictures from that ILA. I even managed to blur a Zeppelin on its slow pass!)

My hat is off to you for the great, consistent and professional quality of your pictures ... I know it's not easy, even if you make it look perfectly natural!


Henning (HoHun)


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It looks from that picture that you had your shutter speed a bit high for 600mm, judging from the prop blur. Live and learn. And just so you don't think I get every picture perfect, here is what happens when you get into turbulence just as you press the shutter.


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It's just a thought, Eric, but do you do any 'foreign' magazine work? I would think that British aviation mags, such as 'Fly Past' and 'The Aeroplane' would welcome some articles describing flights, accompanied by such supeb photography. This would be particularly true of such rare types to the U.K. and Europe as the T28.
I hadn't really thought of T-28s as rare, especially since there are so many at Camarillo. I have read Fly Past before and it is a great publication. I do articles right now for the Atlantic Flyer and some freelance work. I think I'll have to pick up another copy of Fly Past and look into their submission information. Thanks for the idea!
Hi Eric,

>I hadn't really thought of T-28s as rare, especially since there are so many at Camarillo.

I believe there are only very few in Europe, at least I've only once seen one, and I don't remember any coverage of Europe-based T-28s in the German magazines either. Maybe worth a try too - Flugzeug Classic (originally a spin-off of the British Aeroplane) perhaps may be the magazine most likely to be interested in a big photo story on the Camarillo meet.


Henning (HoHun)
Hi Eric,

>It looks from that picture that you had your shutter speed a bit high for 600mm, judging from the prop blur. Live and learn.

Absolutely! I discovered that the setting I had used with good success for my 300 mm lens (automatic exposure relying on centre-weighted metering, manually correct to +2 over-exposure to avoid silhouetting the small dark aircraft agains the extensive bright sky) was badly off for my 600 mm lens. I also learned some valuable background on manually setting the exposure settings afterwards. However, it was very painfully learned because I filled rolls and rolls of film with bad pictures and not a single good one in between.

>And just so you don't think I get every picture perfect, here is what happens when you get into turbulence just as you press the shutter.

Thanks, that really cheers me up! Somehow, it's re-assuring that stuff like that can happen to an accomplished photographer as you as well ... I'm still convinced I screw up far more often than you, though!


Henning (HoHun)
If it'll help, Eric, I can get the info from a back-copy and PM it to you.
There was an article in Fly Past a few years back, about T28's somewhere in the 'States that had good page coverage, but few air-to-air, and, with respect to the person concerned, the shots weren't as good as yours. I think an aricle, with pics of course, would be well received, and could well lead to others and/or commissions.
Hi Eric, just seen your post, been in bed all day! (Hurting after hospital visit.)
I'll PM the details for 'Fly Past' and 'The Aeroplane' later tonight (UK time)

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