Maybe a too wide topic to be covered in one thread, but hopefully we could give a comprehensive set of data about big radials used in ww2 time frame. Under 'big radials', I mean Hercules, BMW-801, R-2600, R-2800, Kasei, Homare etc.
Some of data I'd like to post is already posted elsewhere on the forum, so this will hopefully be a master thread about such engines. Plan is to add any new stuff found. I'd appreciate people's feedback, corrections and additions, with as little flag waving as possible
To start out with Bristol Hercules. The two graphs are for an early version (Mk. IV), outfitted with a single-speed supercharger, fuel 87 oct here. The Mk.III was with 2-speed supercharger = better at greater altitude*.
*edited; only the Mk.III was with 2-speed S/C of the 'early' models
Some of data I'd like to post is already posted elsewhere on the forum, so this will hopefully be a master thread about such engines. Plan is to add any new stuff found. I'd appreciate people's feedback, corrections and additions, with as little flag waving as possible
To start out with Bristol Hercules. The two graphs are for an early version (Mk. IV), outfitted with a single-speed supercharger, fuel 87 oct here. The Mk.III was with 2-speed supercharger = better at greater altitude*.
*edited; only the Mk.III was with 2-speed S/C of the 'early' models
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