Operation Nasr: Biggest Tank Battle of Iran-Iraq War

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Chief Master Sergeant
Aug 27, 2017
Tehran, Iran

General info:

A- Codename:
A-1- Ground Forces: Operation Nasr

B- General Area:
B-1- W. of Ahvaz, between Susan-Gerd and Karun river

C- Date:
C-1- Jan 5-9, 1981

D- Type:
D-1- Offensive (at beginning)
D-2- Defensive (later stages)

E- Supreme Command in Charge of Operation:
E-1- Ground Forces Frontline Command South (Corps level)

F- Friendly major forces in theatre of operation:
F-1- 16th Armored Division (M47/8 , M60)
F-2- 92nd Armored Division (Chieftain)
F-3- Khuzestan`s Gendarmerie Command
F-4- Khuzestan`s Shahrbani Command
F-5- Elements of 77th Infantry Division
F-6- Elements of IRGC
F-7- Elements of Army Aviation
F-8- Elements of Air Force
F-9- Elements of Ground Forces Logistics Command

G- Enemy major forces in theatre of operation:
G-1- 5th Mechanized Infantry Division (BMP-1, BMP-2, T-55, T-62)
G-2- 9th Armored Division (T-62)
G-3- 10th Independent Guards Armored Brigade (T-72)
G-4- Elements of Iraqi Air Force
G-5- Elements of Iraqi Army Aviation
G-6- Elements of Special Warfare Command (Rocket Artillery)

H- Commanding Officers, Down to Brigade Level:
H-1- Colonel Hosseini, Seyyed Yaghoub, Officer Commanding Ground Forces Frontline Command South
H-2- Colonel Lotfi, Siroos, Officer Commanding 16th Armored Division
H-2-1- Colonel Djamshidi, Iraj, Officer Commanding 1st Brigade / 16th Armored Division
H-2-2- Colonel Mohammad-Djavadi, Mohammad, Officer Commanding 3rd Brigade / 16th Armored Division
H-3- Colonel Ghasemi-Nou, Gholam-Reza, Officer Commanding 92nd Armored Division
H-3-1- Colonel Nazeri, First name not mentioned, Officer Commanding 1st Brigade / 92nd Armored Division
H-3-2- Colonel Shahbazi, Amrollah, Officer Commanding 2nd Brigade / 92nd Armored Division

I- Fate and Results:
I-1- The operation was successful at first stage, but forced to defeat due lack of Support and Reserve troops and logistics.

end of part 1

Source: Operation Nasr: Jan. 1981 --- Colonel Hosseini, Seyyed Yaghoub, March 1983, Military History Bureau of University of Staff and Command of Iranian Army, Pages 27-29
Part 2:

Loses in manpower & equipment ...

Unit --- KIA --- WIA

16 AD --- 144 --- 362

92 AD --- 380 --- 1320

77 ID --- 35 --- 115

Shahrbani & Gendarmerie --- 10 --- 55

Air Force --- 16 --- 40

Army Aviation --- 66 --- 155

other --- 10 --- 35

grand total: KIA: 661 / WIA: 2082


equipment lost:

16 AD: 55 Tanks / 50 APC / Some light artillery and mortar / several cars and trucks

92 AD: 195 Tanks / 65 APC / Several Artillery and mortar / 40 - 50 cars and trucks

77 ID: 2 APC and 2 trucks

AF: 3 planes

AA: 11 helicopters / several cars and trucks

other: n/a



1- before, p-p 42 - 49

2- AAR`s of the represented units

3- available war diaries
Part 3:

Air Force at War!

During this Operation, Air Force had used 317222 lbs of Ammo; 145 Aerial bombardment sorties and 666 other sorties were done by Iranian pilots.
3 planes were lost during this operation, listed below:

1- F-4 E Phantom II , flown by Major Mohammad Hossein Qohestani and 1Lt. Abdolreza Kopal, plane lost, both crew KIA

2- F-5 E Tiger II, flown by Captain Mahmoud Yazdanpanah, plane lost, pilot KIA

3- C-130 H Hercules, pilot Captain Nosratollh Aqaiee, Co-Pilot 1Lt. Ali Asqar Malaek-Sefat, Navigator Captain Ahmad Ramezani, plane lost, Crew and passengers KIA


Source of this part: (Iranian) Air Force at Sacred Defense , P. 165
Wow that's quite the engagement! The Iran-Iraq war is a very interesting conflict to me, I definitely need to research it more at some point

Well, Yes, it is! but unfortunately there is no info about this war available on internet! Iran`s regimes only promotes its own paramilitary units! I advise you to use Facebook or Instagram for further researches / readings!

Any questions / info or translations, fell free to ask!

Great info!

it`s nothing compared to things that I've learnt from others. I hope it helps those who are interested or are looking for some info / details about this War.

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