Original Spitfire propeller blade? (1 Viewer)

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sander vw

Sep 10, 2024
Hello Gentelmen,

I'm a new member here, trying to identify a propeller blade I found yesterday. It was never in a collection before and came from the son who's father took it from the aircraft in WW in the Ghent-Region (Belgium). The other blades apperently went to his others sons, so I might try to recover all of them in the future. This blade with code RA10046 looked like a Spitfire one to me, after searching the web. Could you confirm this? Many thanks in advance!


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The Drawing number RA.10046/RTS indicates the Rotol airscrews for Spitfire Mk.VII, VIII, IX powered with either the Merlin 61,63,64,66 engines and Seafire Mk.IA, IIA, III. The "RTS" marking indicates it's made of Rotol Jablo wood or Hydulignum with thin Rotoloid covering, and a simple brass sheath. The prop blade was made by the Hordern-Richmond Aircraft Company. The HR 56002 is the blade serial number used by the manufacturer. The yellow numbers on the front surface of the blade at its root indicate the four-blade prop blade no.4 serial number 67105. However the marking is not the standard one that can be found on most of the kind of prop blades. IMHO the yellow serial number is different from the one ( ? SER. NO. R6017) seen at the bottom of the proop blade. To sum up ... the Spitfire prop blade and for the Mk.IX in my opinion.
Sorry but we don't get involved in that. Please check on the sites that offer such items. For instance, the Ebay.

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