P-38 or Mosquito? (1 Viewer)

Which was better?

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I thought it was true but now I think about it im not so sure...you see i was provided with the information by the lanc, who never gives any sources to his information.
Getting off-topic here, but after a bit of Goooogling I find that the Fort's maximum bomb load was 12,800lb, rather more than the Mossie could carry, methinks. BUT... its fully loaded max range was 1,100 miles. Berlin is 600 miles or so from the East Anglian bases, which is surely at (or beyond) the limit of its range for a round trip? Obviously with a slightly less-than-maximum load, it would get there back and still outdo the Mosquito. At the Fort's normal load (6,000lb), the Mossie would beat it on speed. So that's it, I guess. Another mostly-believed story not based on the full possibilities... back to the topic?
The Mossie was actually designed as a fighter bomber (I think). But the P-38 was designed as a fighter. All models of the P-38 could carry a normal payload of 4000lbs, and its maximum was 5,200lbs. Quite Amazing for a fighter.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this thread seems to have exhausted itself. The two aircraft were exceptional in their own fields, and each one could outperform the other in certain areas... this was of course because (as has been said here many times) the P38 was designed as a fighter, and the Mosquito as a fighter/bomber. They were different aircraft, and could not honestly be compared 'like for like'. It's like trying to put a pedal bike against a motor bike - they both do very similar jobs, but the motor bike will do it quicker... and that's not an advantage to a keen cyclist. So you take your choice, cast your vote, and nothing much is proved either way!
I happen to love them both, although I voted for the Mossie. If we could have a tie, then the best man will have won.

(That's all my opinion, by the way. Do continue, if you must. I just wonder what else there is to compare! :) )
and the mossie was desinged as a bomber, which makes it even more amazing that it became our most successfull night fighter..................

All models of the P-38 could carry a normal payload of 4000lbs, and its maximum was 5,200lbs. Quite Amazing for a fighter.

all my sorces say the normal load was 3,200lbs, i've NEVER seen a sorce stating 5,200lbs as a maximum................
cheddar cheese said:
Dude, I would have any plane in neutral aluminium if i could have the chance. Paint adds weight and air resistance, i am not a fan of paint.

See the pictures and comments.


  • ze_carioca_.jpg
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  • chrome_spitfire.jpg
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But you just had your computer uprated didnt you? There shouldnt be any problems, they just come up straight away for me all the time...
cheddar cheese said:
That ally Spit looks amazing! 8)

Is that on IL2 or FS2004?

AEP, it's a HF.Mk.IXe...


Works on all models, including your fancy-pants VIII that comes with Pf...

Some more Aluminum...

http://www.il2skins.com/?action=display&skinid=11521 for P-51B

http://www.il2skins.com/?action=display&skinid=11458 for P-63

http://www.il2skins.com/?action=display&skinid=13053 for P-63

http://www.il2skins.com/?action=display&skinid=10354 for P-80 (Bare Metal, not polished aluminum as such...)

http://www.il2skins.com/?action=display&skinid=9415 For P-51D's

C.C., get this program, and enjoy! THE MARKINGS ARE INCREDIBLE!!!


Here's an example...

Here are two La-5FN's, "wearing" the default NAVY skin - the top one is labeled up with AEP regularly, the bottom one is modified with IL2MAT...

*EDIT* Size fixed, both are now 512x384.



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  • withoutmat.jpg
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Does it matter that much???

They're fairly small in memory size (something like 239kb and 272kb), or is it just the fact that you guys don't like the margins broken?

So, which is it?

Is it that they take too long to load, or are too big in viewing size?

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