P-47 Wing Spar Part Numbers

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Apr 18, 2014
Boxted Airfield Museum has obtained a P-47 wing spar, which has aluminum panels and quiet a lot of wood in it. During the conservation, the wing spar box has revealed some part numbers in two lines:

GF 59M

A96 F12121-1

I would be grateful if anyone could tell us if these provide any interesting information e.g. what model of P-47 it was used on or reveal a date of manufacture?



This comes up with the following:

F.W. & Cross Tie Assembly Station 99 5/8 Bottom Fuselage

The drawing is dated Jul-1944. Will look further when I get a minute.
Some more info.....

The drawing number you quoted is for the P-47M onwards which was approved 15-Jul-1944. I guess this ties in with the first code GF 59M.
This drawing replaced a previous version with the part number 93F12121 which was approved 02-Nov-1943.

The previous drawing was for the P-47D-25 and has the following text:
"This drawing is replaced by 96F12121 used on later P-47 models and is not interchangeable with that part"

In conclusion, your wing spar is from a P-47M or later which was produced sometime after 15-Jul-1944
Sorry I can't be more specific. The part number is for the whole assembly which I believe, sits between the wings and connects them to the fuselage via the wing attachment forgings
89F11988 and 89F11987-2.

Would be great to see some pictures....
Many thanks to Sutts for his help. As requested, here's some pictures below.

For anyone interested, the wing spar has recently undergone conservation and will be on display in the museum with the information provided.

Boxted Airfield


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