How does the last massed production P-51 version compared to the last mass production P-47?
In term of acceleration?
Top speed?
Turn rate?
Climb rate?
Overall which is the better fighter? and more suited to deal with FW-190D-9 and TA-152C/H?
P/s: how come the p-47 so insanely fast? it look so draggy. And what is the benefit of curvy elliptical wing and tail on P-47, Splitfire compared to square/trapezoid wind like on P-51, FW-190?
In term of acceleration?
Top speed?
Turn rate?
Climb rate?
Overall which is the better fighter? and more suited to deal with FW-190D-9 and TA-152C/H?
P/s: how come the p-47 so insanely fast? it look so draggy. And what is the benefit of curvy elliptical wing and tail on P-47, Splitfire compared to square/trapezoid wind like on P-51, FW-190?