v2, I thank you for this link. I had the pleasure of knowing two Mustang owners in Livermore California. One I got to do the nose art on Merlin's Magic #22 race plane Reno Nevada owned by Stu Eberhardt and flown be he and his son Bill. Stu was an F-86 pilot in Korea as well, and now has one of his own asell. The other was Bernie's Bo, a plane once owned and flown by Bob Love, an F-86 ace in Korea. It's owner when I knew it was Russ Francis, a 49er football player. I was fortunate enough to sit in the back seat on many occasions and ground crew it at a few air shows. This is a very touching tribute to so many brave men who took of into battle, never sure if they would come back, weather it be in a mustang, or a Sopwith. This link will get passed on to so many lovers of aviation, and the men who made it possible for so many others to be free. Bill