P-51B/C gin sight. (2 Viewers)

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Dec 24, 2023
I am building the Eduard 1/48 P-51B (or was it C?) In the markings of Major George Preddy, the version I am building is the one prior to adding the Malcom Hood and D Day stripes.
please could anyone tell me the type of gunsight likely to have been fitted? Eduard produce an upgrade set of different U.S gunsights in 1/48 but I'm wondering which to use.
That certainly looks like the British Mk.II sight in those photos, and appears to be on a custom mount too, as the standard N3 sight protruded up through the instrument cowl, as seen in the manual illustrations.
The RAF Mk.II sight is also available in resin from Quickboost and other manufacturers.
I haven't seen the top photo before but the sight (from what I can see of it) looks like the bottom right one of the Eduard sights in picture 1 top left in picture 2. Not sure what this sight is though


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Do you mean the one? If you do that's the K-14 gunsight. It was used for the D and late variants of the Mustang. However it happened these were reto-fitted to the the B/C kites too. IMHO it wasn't used for the particular P-51B.


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