P-51D Diablo Normandy?

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von hahn

Airman 1st Class
Aug 2, 2008

I'm trying to find any ifo about this aircraft, a P-51D-15 serial 44-15611.

What I have found is that the photo was apparently taken in Normandy in June 1944. I am not sure I believe this as surely that was too early for D-15s?

Any info would be gratefully appreciated.
1944 USAAF Serial Numbers (44-001 to 44-30910)

15611 352nd FG, 486th FS, 8th AF; code PZ-H. "Cile VI - Luck of the Irish" , 352nd FG, 486th FS, 8th AF; code PZ-H. "Diablo" Artwork - Devil sticking fork into Hitler

In your photo the letter/marking behind his head does not look like a Z. If it were the P, the Z should be visible. The aircraft also doesn't have a Blue Nose typical of the 352nd FG, which also carried a letter on the vertical stab/rudder. Rudder would also be Yellow for 486th FS.

The nose (if red) would be typical for a 4th FG aircraft, which also carried a horizontal stripe on the vertical stab/rudder. Which has been removed in your photo.
QP*Z , the P being next to the stripe. Images of 4FG aircraft
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So what period do you think this aircraft was photographed in? I think June 44 would be impossibly early?

I have subsequently read that the photo was apparently taken at Azeville A-7 airfield in Normandy.
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Based on my paint/marking observations in Post #4 and the 363rd FG being based at Azeville A-7 airfield.
Azeville | American Air Museum in Britain

Is it possible we are looking at a 363rd FG, 380th FS, (A9) P-51? The marking behind the mans head looks more like a 9 than a P or Z.


44-13805 A9- "Diablo" J.B. Tipton, P-5lD A9- 44- I3805 "Diablo" 363rd Fighter Group in WWII - PDF Free Download
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The Wiki page says the code was A8, not A9, but I think that A9 is correct.

This pic is from the PDF linked by Mjfur above:

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D-Day stripes are not a black and white issue, there are many grey areas, or not, as the case maybe?

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