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Hi Parmigiano,
You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, and I see you have one. This thread is an exercise in "What if." Anyone engaging in "what if" can postulate whatever he or she wants..
I happen to believe that if the U.S.A. had seen a real advantage in producing the P-80A, they would have done so in massive numbers, rather quickly. I believe this because they actually DID it with the P-51, P-47, B-17, B-24, etc.
Messerschmitt never had anything like enough resources and he didn't ever have anything like enough engines. If he HAD the engines, he'd have fielded only half as many Me 262's as P-80A's since they each took two engines to the Lockheed's one.
You think what you like. I say the Lockheed was the marginally better aircraft, even though the Me 262 was first into operational service. I also say the Vampire and Meteor weren't exactly worthless.
The Vampire would have out-maneuvered the Me 262, but I do not claim it was ever as good or better than the Me 262. The Meat Box was a neat exercise, but was not up to the Me 262 either.
Let's say that we agree to disagree. Since there aren't entire squadrons of operational Me 262's ready to do battle with hordes of operational P-80A's, we will never really know, will we? Still, the Lockheed T-33 flies regularly and performs very well today ... in real time.
The only Me 262 that flies was made in U.S.A., uses US engines, US instruments, and Grumman landing gear.
You go ahead and tout the Me 262. I understand "favorites," I have them, too. The P-80A isn't really one of them, but it IS better than the Me 262 in my opinion.
so Greg you spoke with Guido Mütke first hand to deny his reported dive ? do not be so sure. I interviewed the man about 10 years ago primarily for JG 7 research the unit he was part of. In cases like these it is best to remain neutral and hear the stories and then put into perspective. Outright denial of something like this since we were not alive nor present is not a wise thing .......... ~
E ~
Does anybody has access to the results of the flyoffs between P-80 and -262? I know that one flyoff resulted in equality while another showed -262 advances. Rumors say the latter was with an early YP80-prototype with an engine not rated to full power. Can anyone verify?
Thanks in advance,
The 262 only had the speed advantage at medium altitudes as its speed dropped once above a certain point. At the P-80A was faster but by less than 10mph more than the 262's optimum. The 262 had lower roll characteristics due to its long engine nacelles while the P-80's wings were unobstructed. There was a chart that compares their peformance on the first page of this thread. Also the P-80 had quite an altitude advantage (~1000ft).
The temperature effect is dominant at constant pressure. So for example the s/l thrust of an turbine engine decreases noticeably at higher ambient temperature, important everyday effect for takeoff.I've seen teo references that stated the higher SL speed which is curious to me as a jet engine is more efficient when the temperature difference between intake and exhaust is greater - and it is a lot colder at 40,000 feet!
I'm still looking for different data on the P-80C delivered with 25 Allison with 5400 pounds of thrust to see the best altitude for TAS.