P.E. Prop Blurs ???

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ian lanc

Senior Airman
Sep 30, 2007
mansfield, nottinghamshire
Hi Guys,

Can you still buy those Photo Etched Prop Blurs ? They look as if the prop is spinning but there not they look really good and i want to add some to a 1/48th Lancaster i'm going to build.

Any links/contacts would be most helpful, i've looked around Hannants and can't spot any though might be coming under different wording to what i've been searching for ! [prop blurs]

I haven't seen them on sale in the UK Ian, but I did see a model with them in place. To be honest, I thought they looked ridiiculous! They look great in photos, as that's what we're used to seeing - the camera speed blurring or 'stopping' the prop; but in 'real life' they looked what they were - pieces of shaped and painted tin!
If you want to add 'movement' to your Lanc, why not use a disc of tinted clear sheet, or cut a disc(s) from thin clear sheet, and very lightly mist on a grey tinge, with thin yellow edges. Even in 'the flesh' this looks quite convincing.
those are cool! i was trying to think of how i was going to fabricate something like that out ot plexiglas...no need now. thanks for the link.
Looking at the photos, they look like crap to me too...I would suggest same asTerry. If I remember right there was even a US company selling these in the early '90's...

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