Mar 31, 2008 #1 v2 Major 9,100 11,485 Nov 9, 2005 Cracow View: View:
Mar 31, 2008 #3 Matt308 Glock Perfection 18,961 95 Apr 12, 2005 Washington State Excellent. You won't see that for too many more years. Wonder if the rigged up a brass catcher. .50BMG brass is REALLY expensive!!!
Excellent. You won't see that for too many more years. Wonder if the rigged up a brass catcher. .50BMG brass is REALLY expensive!!!
Apr 1, 2008 #4 Gnomey Globetrotting Surgeon General Staff Mod 71,380 9,092 Nov 28, 2004 London / Southsea / Royal Deeside, UK Excellent stuff, a rare sight indeed nowadays.