P47 Ace Paul Conger at Chino circa 1989

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Mar 1, 2009
Houston, Texas
I met Paul Conger at the Chino Air Show, and I'm pretty sure it was 1989. Took a few photos of him standing in front of a "razorback" P-47 (was that a "C" model?), and later took some photos of the same plane when it was doing flyby's. Dunno if Paul was flying it, but as you can see from the photo of the P-47 in flight, the color of the pilot's hat and shirt are different from those Paul was wearing.

Nice guy. I don't recall much from the conversation, except that there were a couple hotties hanging around and he was obviously more interested in talking to them than some fat bald guy.


I met Paul Conger at an IPMS event back in the early 80's. He loved to tell stories about his aerial exploits and the P47 in general.

Heck of a guy to have met!

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