p51 vs p47

p47 or p51

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Dude - you're spouting all this opinionated fecal matter with no references, most of it is your personal opinion!
So post it!!! Back up your rants!!!!

No one is saying it would have performed "better." The fact is it would have performed.

Actually not true. Bill Odom raced the 1947 Bendix with a P-47M. He did not finish
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Having worked and crewed an aircraft at Reno, the P-47 would not have done well in a Pylon Circuit.

Personal opinion...dude you spew Personal opinion with out facts...
Mine are easy to validate...even gave you a few to look up.
Aside from Bill Odom the P47 one time in1947 was not used in Reno!

I get the feeling you are an advocate of the p47 over everything else.
The Mustang was a far better performer than the Thunderbolt.
War statistics validate my comments.
Personal opinion...dude you spew Personal opinion with out facts...
Mine are easy to validate...even gave you a few to look up.
Aside from Bill Odom the P47 one time in1947 was not used in Reno!

I get the feeling you are an advocate of the p47 over everything else.
The Mustang was a far better performer than the Thunderbolt.
War statistics validate my comments.

Considering you don't know one reciprocating engine from another...

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I get the feeling you are an advocate of the p47 over everything else.
The Mustang was a far better performer than the Thunderbolt.
War statistics validate my comments.
Actually I'm not and I never had a dog in the fight. I've always accepted and supported the P-51 was the better aircraft. This started with your very simplistic and mis-informed statement that the P-47 "could not get off the ground to support missions in Korea." Yes the P-51 was the way better aircraft but the P-47 was not junk and performed its role quite well.

So just for the hell of it, here's the 1946 flight test report for the P-47N since you come up short to support your from the hip responses. This is the only statement made with reaguards to the P-47's performance at high weights;

"1. Due to the large quantity of fuel it can carry, the P-47N is a good long range fighter-bomber. Although the performance is not too good at high gross weights, it improves as the external fuel is used and by the time the target area is reached it compares favorably to earlier P-47N's."

P-47N Performance Test

No where does it make a statement about the P-47 "not being able to get off the ground."

And just for reference, here's performace data for the P-51H performed about the same time

P-51H Performance Test

Bottom line the P-47 "could have" been used during the Korean conflict at a higher operational cost. It would be debatable if it would have out performed the P-51 in the ground attack role, a role it was originally designed for.

So at the end of this, where is your reference for the "3 day engine change"???
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Back to drag. The 47 compared speed wise above 30,000 feet because the R-2800 blower was more efficient than the Merlin above 25,000 feet (for the -7)

I'm no scientist, but isn't there less drag at higher alt? Less dense air I would surmise to have less friction and more wing area would be good to have at high alts.
Depends: If I'm just doing air-to-air stuff, I'd probably be inclined to pick the P-51; if I was doing a lot of air to ground stuff I'd probably take the P-47.
I'm no scientist, but isn't there less drag at higher alt? Less dense air I would surmise to have less friction and more wing area would be good to have at high alts.
That all depends on the wing's planform and how much lift it will provide in the thinner atmosphere.
Add to that, how well the engine is performing at those altitudes.

You can have the best wing in the world and it won't mean a thing unless the engine is able to move it up there...
Depends: If I'm just doing air-to-air stuff, I'd probably be inclined to pick the P-51; if I was doing a lot of air to ground stuff I'd probably take the P-47.
I think your post captures it in a nutshell. Depends on the mission which is better. Long range high altitude escort straight there and back, I'll take a p51. Medium or short range escort mission where your going down on the deck on the way back to pound an airfield heavily defended by anti aircraft and I think youd have to be insane not to pick the p47.
I think your post captures it in a nutshell. Depends on the mission which is better. Long range high altitude escort straight there and back, I'll take a p51. Medium or short range escort mission where your going down on the deck on the way back to pound an airfield heavily defended by anti aircraft and I think youd have to be insane not to pick the p47.

Not going to make a bit of difference!

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