Paint match for FS 25095 blue

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Silver wings1

Apr 9, 2017
Rosendale, New York
Yellow wings decals specifies FS 25095 for the Stearman PT-17 but I could not find any matching paint anywhere. The actual color blue on the original aircraft is very bright.. The closest I could come to matching this was Humbrol # 89 but it still is not accurate. In addition the FS 20595 does not exist on the early Federal standard 595 charts and only appears on the new updated charts. Does anyone have a solution to this problem , perhaps mixing up the color ?
Check the FS 15123 or 15183 ... the closest equivalents for the FS 25095 can be FS 15095 / 35095.

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Also you may check the FS15193 ... as the equivalent of the Light Blue 23. Some more of the blue paint may be added in order to get the more bluish tinge.. and I would follow that one.

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I assume , Alec needs the blue paint for the early Blue-yellow uniform of the plane. IMHO the early colour should be the 3-1 Light Blue 23 while the later could be the ANA 501 Light Blue, formerly called True Blue. These paints seem to be two different colours.
To sum up ..depending on the time period you need either the Light Blue 23 colour for the early planes or the True Blue ( ANA Light Blue/ ANA 501 ) for the late trainers.

for the Light Blue 23 ... FS15193

for the True Blue ( ANA 501 ) ... FS15102

or the FS15183 ... as the equivalent for a faded True Blue paint.
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