Pearl Harbor Day

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Senior Master Sergeant
Oct 16, 2007
Conroe, Texas
I was surprised to see there was no tread on Pear Harbor. Thought I would share this link from the History Channel. 8 Tales of Pearl Harbor Heroics.

Words from a Japanese pilot.

Last summer I got to work at Joint Base Hickam - Pearl Harbor for 5 weeks. It was an amazing experience. The first morning I drove through the front gate and saw the sign saying Hickam-Pearl Harbor the hair stood up on the back my neck. I had goose bumps.

The hangar my office was in was the one where a Zero crashed near. It was stored inside the hangar. Seeing the bullet holes and battle scars on the buildings was just an eerie feeling.

Still some miffed folks about Pearl Harbor Heroes:
All 15 MoHs went to navy folks including a couple who did little more than get up that morning. (Turns out there were DC connections.)
No army guys got MoHs.
Just FWIW.
There were a lot of politics in the war. No Marines in Europe because they got all the press in WWI. The navy downplayed to efforts of the 13 AF in the Pacific. Limited press about the Army's effort in the island hopping.
I was surprised to see there was no tread on Pear Harbor. Thought I would share this link from the History Channel. 8 Tales of Pearl Harbor Heroics.

Words from a Japanese pilot.

First article was very interesting! Thanks for sharing. Despite being very interested in that of the Pacific War, I've noted most of my reading on Pearl Harbours comes from a handful of lessons at school and reading maybe 1-2 chapters of it on a book and this is my first time reading an actual primary account and all
I am an American. I was dating a Japanese woman for a while. One time, probably in December, I mentioned December 7th. She didn't understand, so, leaving out the Day of Infamy, I said, you know, "the Pearl Harbor Raid". She looked at me, frowned and said, "that was December 8th". A whole other perspective...
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Still some miffed folks about Pearl Harbor Heroes:
All 15 MoHs went to navy folks including a couple who did little more than get up that morning. (Turns out there were DC connections.)
No army guys got MoHs.
Just FWIW.
Agreed, pretty sure Taylor and Welch should have been up for a MoH, but not being Navy pilots...

Just like Guadalcanal, the Navy lost what? Twice as many men as the Marines, but PR being what it is.
I was surprised to see there was no tread on Pear Harbor. Thought I would share this link from the History Channel. 8 Tales of Pearl Harbor Heroics.

Words from a Japanese pilot.

Rereading Maeda's account reminded me of the errors in identifying/describing the aircraft involved. Jennifer Popowycz should have her PHD looked at. More importantly, the WWII Museum in New Orleans should have a competent proof reader. Errors such as "fighter Kate", then "bomber" in the same sentence is similar to referring to a convertible then station wagon as the same item. Then, the photo of an IJA Ki-49, inferring it attacked PH although a IJN operation, is beyond lazy inaccurateness. It should not be difficult for a newbie to learn there were no twin engine attacking aircraft.
That was my first guess. I did not remember if the were a day ahead or behind.

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