Photo ID Nelp Needed - Le Shima 1945

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Dec 3, 2008
Hey guys just picked up a wwii album and found this photo - titled BIG BIRD Le Shima 1945. Any idea what type of bomber it is?


  • Copy of Big Bird.jpg
    36.2 KB · Views: 263
  • Copy of Big Bird 1.jpg
    23.6 KB · Views: 171
Thanks for the quick ID - I am positive about the date - the album has no dates later than 1945. Strange - I can see that the C119 didnt see service until years later.
Thanks for the quick ID - I am positive about the date - the album has no dates later than 1945. Strange - I can see that the C119 didnt see service until years later.

It definitely is a Fairchild C-119 "flying boxcar" but dates do not match her first flight was November '47
carson19348) 8) 8)

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