Photo Thread: Screenshots from your Games

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Chief Master Sergeant
Aug 27, 2017
Tehran, Iran
Hi There Everyone, And good time. I think it is a good place to post about games, Different Genres, RTS, TBS, RPG, Indie, Fanasy, Open World, 4X, AAA, FPS, 2D, 3D, Isometric, PC, PlayStation, XBox, Nintendo, Android or iOS ... In This Topic, you can send Screenshots from Your games, Just don't forget to write Game's Name and Some Info.

Here is my First Picture:

Game Name: A-Train 9 Train Simulator V3.0 Extended Edition

Genre: Simulator, Strategy, City Management

Map Name: Metropolis

OS: Windows 7

App: Snipping Tool
Work on progress!

Working on a new race / quest mod for TES V: Skyrim , based on D&D race "Goliath". As planned, it will contains a main quest, 7 side quests, 11 misc quests, a new map with 45 new locations, 2 new factions and 13 new NPC's.

Goliath's Queen Andrix The Keen-eyed

Race: Goliath

Masteries: Archery, One Handed weapons, Light Armour, Illusion, Restoration

Level: Player + 25

HP: Player + 250

Stamina: Player + 200

Magica: Player + 150

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