Pick Your Own Air Force

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mosquitoman said:
Hey, I'm not anti any country. I just prefer british planes. BTW 4 of my planes aren't British (Harvard, Me262, Mustang and Liberator)

Oh neither am I, I just thought I would pick on Lanc a bit, because he gets on CC everytime he goes non british about something.
Thanks. He obviously doesnt take into consderation that I defended both the Spitfire and the Lancaster quite strongly in another thread...I just prefer German, American and Italian planes for some reason.
This is a nice task...let's see

Spitfire Mk IX
Messerschmidt Bf-109
P-51 Mustang
P-61 Blackbird
Junkers Ju-87 Stuka(Effective though sensible)
Martin B-26 Marauder
Junkers Ju-52
I'm sorry...I don't know any trainers...could you give me some info...I'd be trully gratefull


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not a bad list, and the main trainers being picked are the american harvard and the british tiger moth, both were simple elementary trainers........................
The AT-6 Texan is being picked more than the Tiger, lanc. I dont think the Tiger Moth is av ery effective plane to pick...

Nice list BTW. You also have room for one more plane! 8)
Come on Lanc, we know you are going to take the Swordfish for anti shipping because it is British.

Welcome Hellmaker, interesting that you choose the Ju-87 Stuke and the Ju-52. I happen to like the Ju-52. What varient Bf-109? I would go with a T-6 Texan as a trainer.
hey you know guys, i'm contemplating using the Avenger for anti-shipping, yes an american plane, although she did see service with the FAA so that's ok in my books........

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