Lessons in the Iwo-jima Island.
Garrison report dated March 7, 1945.
1. Dozens of enemy warships began to destroy our pillboxes on the beach by shelling for two days prior to the first wave of landing but we also gave them considerable damage for this first wave. However, as soon as they understood that there were still pillboxes left undamaged, battleships approached to the beach at distance of 2,000 meters to smash them one after another with 45cm cannons regardless they were dummy or main ones to make them almost unusable for the second wave of landing. Same against our flat guns. No matter how well we may camouflage or set up reserve positions at the beach side, we think, as long as enemies keep such a tactics as this, any fortress/position will not be established.
2. Landmines made of bombs were laid on the estimated landing sites but did not explode due to the moisture. In addition, this was not effective because enemies advanced with the mine detection tanks to avoid them. However, this tactics seems to be effective against the tracks.
3. Against tanks, quick-firing guns are most effective but are also destroyed quickly. Attacks by a couple of mines in hands are also effective but less successful in the daytime as enemies are vigilant. Hand grenades are not effective on the front of the tank but effective on the rear side. Mortars are effective against the groups in the dawn. Tanks are not afraid of our human attack as always guarded by infantry. Advancing speed of tank is slow. They sometimes stop at same point for several hours. When the dusk comes, they never fail to retreat to backward. All tanks which have sat on are towed back to be repaired.
4. The most effective weapons in the land battle this time are such light-weighted and easy-to-carry ones as bazookas and mortars. Many are still in service and bring us many good war results every day. In particular, the bazookas not only give great fear to the enemies but also are easy to carry and preserve. It is necessary for the Japanese military to prepare them as many as possible for the future islands defense.
5. The caves of this island are extremely effective. Thickness of about 10 meters is enough to protect from the heavy shelling and bombing. Obey this lesson and the damage can be minimized.
6. Enemy infantry is aggressive. They appear without a tank just in front of our positions and build their positions quickly. They are beginning shelling with mortars and machine guns at the moment. On the other hand, tank behavior is generally slow and seems to be conserving themselves.
7. Enemies are advancing toward our various positions destroying thoroughly using every kind of firearms, bombings, dynamites, flamethrowers and others.
8. Enemy sniper's skills are so excellent that our damage is great. Infantry is no problem but it depends on heavy weapons to put pressure on us day by day. In the daytime, they gradually advance under the support of shelling and bombing to build positions. When the dusk comes, they retreat setting "microphones" under the smoke screen. Enemy's alert is loose inside a line but very strict on the line.
9. Amount of iron which enemies poured into this island is enormous. Because of this, the shape of the mountain has been totally changed with no single tree on it.
10. It is necessary for our air corps to carry out the land battle training as much as possible under a certain policy.
Ref. code : C19010027100