Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous (1 Viewer)

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Awesome pics! I always wonder what happened to folks in these pics

According to Masanobu Tsuji - a former staff of Imperial GHQ who stayed in Burma when the war was over and fled to Japan disguising a monk through Thailand, Vietnam and China, not a few Japanese officers were forced to work for the local governments as advisors. Ordinary soldiers were forced to fight for France in Vietnam. Soldiers in China were sent back to Japan immediately as Chiang Kai-shek did not know how to handle them well.
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I'm not sure that this is the appropriate thread to post this in, but....

My wife and I were in Charleston, SC last week and visited the carrier Yorktown (CV-10) and the destroyer USS Laffey (DD-724). This is a photo of the Laffey radio room showing a rack with three R-390As. They are of a later generation since the Laffey participated in the D-Day invasion and also in the Okinawa campaign where it was struck by 4 bombs and 6 kamakazies.

An old photo of its 38 caliber gun mount struck by a kamakaze shows the horrific damage it inflicted. About half the turret gun crew was killed.

I had to take a picture of the Yorktown ready room where so many heroes of my youth waited for their missions. I read the book "Carrier War" by Lt JG Jensen cover-to-cover a hundred times when I was a kid and remembered names of those Yorktown pilots, such as "Jumpin' Joe" Clifton, Butch O'Hare, etc.


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