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各務原ニ於ケル飛行演習開始ノ光景(其一)Here is our picture that needs more information. The other photo is also a postcard. One is from Flicker. The original poster asked for help, but never got it. The other I came across one of the Japanese sites I like to visit to see pictures you can't see in the US most of the time. Enjoy!
A scene of flight drill at the Kakamigahara airfield (in the 1920s)
萩原一郎中尉 松本幸政一等兵曹同乗 昭和十四年六月七日鎮海攻擊ニ向テ進行中を撮影シタルモノ航空海上部隊ヨリ記念トシテ贈與セラルタル写眞ナリ 仝日ノ隊長萩原一郎大尉 操縦士一等兵曹松本幸政
Lt. Ichiro Hagiwara and Sgt.Yukimasa Matsumoto on the way to attacking Zhenhai on June 7, 1939. Photo was taken by the naval flight unit and given to both.
Here is more details with full size pic.