Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous (2 Viewers)

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Shigeru Kojima (1926-1942)

He was shot and killed together with some other Japanese civilians by the Doolittle Raid in April 1942. Their death was so sensational at the time that Doolittle crews who were captured could not escape from execution.
Even Japanese people don't remember him anymore but only old papers tell.

Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty in 1910.

Japanese thought this would be the best answer to end the conflicts of hegemony among China, Russia and Japan for the Korea Peninsula. Korea had been a land of such conflicts and political corruption for centuries. I hear Britons understood it very well too.

As a historical record and lesson for the future, full text of Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty.
Point is Japan guaranteed safety and honourable status to the Korean Emperor and his family. Because of this, he agreed it without fighting.


[Place] Seoul
[Date] August 22, 1910
[Source] KYU JYOYAKUYISAN, Dai san ken, Chosen and Lyukyu
[Full text]

His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and His Majesty the Emperor of Korea, having in view the special and close relations between Their respective countries, desiring to promote the common weal of the two nations and to assure permanent peace in the Extreme East, and being convinced that these objects can be best attained by the annexation of Korea to the Empire of Japan, have resolved to conclude a Treaty of such annexation, and have for that purpose appointed as Their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:

His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Viscount Masakata Teraoutsi, His Resident-General,

and His Majesty the Emperor of Korea, Ye Wan Yong, His Minister President of State,

Who, upon mutual conference and deliberation, have agreed to the following Articles.


His Majesty of the Emperor of Korea makes complete and permanent cession to His Majesty the Emperor of Japan of all rights of sovereignty over the whole of Korea.


His Majesty of the Emperor of Japan accepts the cession mentioned in the preceding Article, and consents to the complete annexation of Korea to the Empire of Japan.


His Majesty the Emperor of Japan will accord to Their Majesties the Emperor and ex-Emperor and His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Korea and Their Consorts and Heirs such titles, dignity and honour as are appropriate to Their respective ranks, and sufficient annual grants will be made for the maintenance of such titles, dignity and honour.


His Majesty the Emperor of Japan will also accord appropriate honour and treatment to the members of the Imperial House of Korea and their heirs, other than those mentioned in the preceding Article, and the funds necessary for the maintenance of such honour and treatment will be granted.


His Majesty the Emperor of Japan will confer peerages and monetary grants upon those Koreans who, on account of meritorious services, are regarded as deserving such special recognition.


In consequence of the aforesaid annexation, the Government of Japan assume the entire government and administration of Korea and undertake to afford full protection for the persons and property of Koreans obeying the laws there in force, and to promote the welfare of all such Koreans.


The Government of Japan will, so far as circumstances permit, employ in the public service of Japan in Korea those Koreans who accept the new régime loyally and in good faith and who are duly qualified for such service.


This Treaty, having been approved by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and His Majesty the Emperor of Korea, shall take effect from the date of its promulgation.

In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Treaty and have affixed thereto their seals.



The 22nd day of the 8th month of the 43rd year of Meiji.


Minister President of State.

The 22nd day of the 8th month of the 4th year of Nung-hui.


Original data : http://worldjpn.grips.ac.jp/documents/texts/pw/19100822.T1E.html

Korean doc of approval.
"...Our lesson was "Don't get involved in long talk with Koreans as it would be endless."
And you weren't dealing with Korean Communists ... , Moscow trained.

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