Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous (1 Viewer)

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.. the IJN provided great coverage for the British in the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean, IIRC. That surely cemented the RN-IJN co-culture of seamanship and audacity.
.. the IJN provided great coverage for the British in the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean, IIRC. That surely cemented the RN-IJN co-culture of seamanship and audacity.

Yes, MM. Good point again.
IJN sailors reported later that they were ready to die for their own country but it was ridiculous to cost their lives for the Great Britain.
"Murderers Row". U.S. Third Fleet aircraft carriers at anchor in Ulithi Atoll, 8 December 1944, during a break from operations in the Philippines area. The carriers are (from front to back): USS Wasp (CV-18), USS Yorktown (CV-10), USS Hornet (CV-12), USS Hancock (CV-19) and USS Ticonderoga (CV-14). Wasp, Yorktown and Ticonderoga are all painted in camouflage Measure 33, Design 10a. The other Essex-class carrier painted in sea blue Measure 21 is USS Lexington (CV-16


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