Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous (2 Viewers)

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Another historical revenge in a country's unique style.
This is not our way at least.

The Special Law to Redeem Pro-Japanese Collaborators' Property

The special law to redeem pro-Japanese collaborators' property is a special South Korean law that passed the South Korean National Assembly on December 8, 2005, and was enacted on December 29, 2005. Under this law, the South Korean government may nationalize land and other properties owned by Korean collaborators (chinilpa), who supported the Japanese administrators who ruled Korea, Japanese colonists, and their descendants.

The confiscated properties are redistributed to other Koreans. Koreans who fought against Japanese colonial rule receive special priority in these distributions, to reward their actions.

Special law to redeem pro-Japanese collaborators' property - Wikipedia

3 of guys who have been defined as traitors in 2005 - 60yeas after the war was over.

재산 환수되는 친일파 9인은 누구?
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'... Sometimes I think the world would be a far better place if we ignored or forgot about history ..."
An interesting notion, Geo. As far as we can tell, no other animal invests resources like brain power in analyzing "history" .... elephants probably come closest to handling life events as "history" ... but ... all critters record and maintain some record of data - environmental - they have experienced. IMO
Where history gets us into trouble is that history always has WINNERS and LOSERS.
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I had a friend in high school who's mother's maiden name was MacDonald. She forbid him to hang around with a kid who's last name was Campbell: almost 300 years after the fact. My side of the family sided with the English during the wars of Scottish Independence(we won) and it was still a bitter discussion during dinner with "other" family members when I was there in '77.

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