Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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Interesting Picture, this model must have been made before Mr Ford & the Wayne County Tax Board had there disagreement! Willow Run Airport actually sits on the county Line between Wayne and Washtenaw counties. Wayne county would not give him the same tax break as Washtenaw county. So he changed the plans and put a 90 degree bend in the plant so it didn't have any part in Wayne county. And every B-24 built there had to turn 90 degrees when going down the line. Attached is a Picture of the actual plant as built. Can you see where the county line is? The only part of the Building still standing is the very last 2 bays of the building were the completed B-24's emerged, (upper left of the long building in the picture below) It is being restored and is the new home of the Yankee Air Museum.

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Wayne county patriots.
I'm surprised Ford didn't send in Bennett's thugs to beat up the Wayne county officials.

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