Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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three subs entered the harbour two where sunk at the time the third disappeared till

All three have been located then.



That's remarkable. This is the one at the museum on Garden Island. Touching that a ceremony was held and their remains returned to Japan.
British Fortress Mk I AM526 in flight


Lovely image, AN526 was operated by 90 Sqn and took part on the Fortress I's debut RAF operational sortie against Wilhelmshaven on 8 July 1941, which produced poor results, this aeroplane being the only one of three to drop its bombs, four 1,100 pounders, and hit the target, AN519 suffered from oil leaks at 25,000 feet and its rudder froze and the entire aircraft began to shudder dangerously, which caused its pilot to turn back over the target area. AN529 could not release its bomb load for some inexplicable reason. German fighters were dispatched to intercept, but none got near the Forts and turned back, which was fortunate as the guns had frozen and so the gunners were unable to fire them. It was the only operational sortie this particular Fortress carried out with 90 Sqn and was used on communications duties after the disbandment of 90 Sqn in February 1942.

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