Picture of the day. (3 Viewers)

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Ki-43-IIas or -IIbs taking off from Akeno Flying School
These are not combat, but training pictures, with a French captured Hotchkiss H 39 tank modified by the Germans and pressed into service with some Erzatz Panzer Abteilung. The turret evidences a german modification ; the original hemispheric turret dome was erased and replaced by a german style commander cupola with two hatches. The smoke adds some dramatic effects. The turret number is typically german (113 : 1st company, first platoon, tank n° 3).
These are not combat, but training pictures, with a French captured Hotchkiss H 39 tank modified by the Germans and pressed into service with some Erzatz Panzer Abteilung. The turret evidences a german modification ; the original hemispheric turret dome was erased and replaced by a german style commander cupola with two hatches. The smoke adds some dramatic effects. The turret number is typically german (113 : 1st company, first platoon, tank n° 3).
Fire escape training at a panzer school.

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