Picture of the day. (3 Viewers)

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Finnish Winter War Pt 1 .. the Molotov Cocktail

"That's not a Molotov cocktail, son, that's Liquid courage..."

the Internet

Overheard from the commentary box... "Aaand Round Two of the Luftwaffe versus Army tug-o-war competition is getting ready to commence... this time the Luftwaffe fielding the Mighty Ju 87 Stuka, the Hero of the Battle of France campaign..."

Yes, I know it's a late model Stuka and not the same make as the type used in the Battle of France, but commentators might just want to embellish the story a little...
A B24 bomber is being loaded up.

That's an early model B-24, correct? Those nacelles aren't oval. Forget about the lack of nose turret.

Liberator Mk.II to be precise. British only variant, although the US did borrow some of the British production batch. Note the location of the gun turret, it's aft of the spar - it's a Boulton Paul Type A turret, the same type as fitted to the Defiant fighter and the rear gun position was also fitted with a BP turret. The Mk.II Liberator was the first of the breed armed with power turrets.
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Just for clarification on the image of the guys changing a B-29's wheel. The jacking point is shown in this image. The jack is inserted from the front and hand cranked, lifting the oleo off the ground, but keeping the aircraft level-ish. The only stipulation is that the park brake is released before jacking. Turnaround, at a guess should be around 15-20 mins to do the job, depending on how the wheel is fastened to the axle, the tyre being deflated on removal as standard, at least, that's the way it's done on modern aircraft.


The left hand outboard wheel definitely needs changing on this aircraft...

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