Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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Regarding post #21474 , the exhaustion and anger in his face is so sad ... Broken pride ... Lost friends ...

About time and place, I would say late 1943, 100% sure it's Eastern front, but where, I have no idea.
There was a site that had all these numbers on cars, if I can find that site again, we might be able to find the unit that these guys were from.
BTW... the car is the Matford V-8 F82A model 1939.

The Matford Types V-8 F81A and F82A was manufactured in 1937-1939. They based on the Ford Model 81A and like with the Matford Type Alsace the car bodys was "de-americanized". The Matford Types V-8 F81A and F82A itself differes just by the engine. The Type F81A was powered by the Ford OHV V8 engine with 3622cc and 85PS while the Type F82A was powered by the Ford OHV V8 engine with 2223cc and 60PS.

Ford never started making OHV V8s for cars, until 1954, those engines are the well known Ford flathead, the valves in the block.
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Bocage , Normandy
the Internet
Ammo rack got hit, we're lucky it didn't blow.

They've got the Commander, we can't see what's going on.

The hydrolics are down, we should hand crank the turret.

Critical engine damage, we've stuck here.

Gunner's injured, he can't shoot effectively.

The Radio Operator is bleeding, we can't rely on him.

Priscope has been hit, we can hardly see anything trough.

The Driver is injured, try to cover his position, but not very well.

The Loader is injured, he can't load as fast.

We've done for, everyone bail out.

*Mind of a World of Tanks player ...

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