Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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B-17F 42-30037 BK-F of the 384th BG, 546th BS, Gouchaupre, France June 1943 All POW.

Tanks disabled at Villers Bocage, june 13, 1944.
Top picture : Tiger Ausf E n° 112, tank n° 2, 1st platoon, 1st Company of schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung commanded by Oberscharführer Heinrich Ernst.
The Pz IV belongs to the Panzer Lehr division.
Bottom picture : Tiger Ausf E n° 111, tank n° 1, 1st platoon, 1st Company of schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung commanded by Obersturmführer Hannes Philipsen.
Skoda tank. I asked myself, "It looks like Christie suspension. USSR bought model, Did Czechs rip it off?
Answer Tank Encyclopedia:
".. The main concern was to avoid any issues of the previous model, starting with the suspension. The new model featured four large road wheels, resembling the Christie suspension, but in fact it was conventional leaf-spring one. This gave some mobility even if the tracks were ruptured and an overall simplified, reliable and easy to maintain system

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