Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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The Czech tank was named the LT vz. 38 later but it was well known as the PzKpfw 38(t). Actually the vehicle didn't have the Christie suspension. The suspension of the tank consisted of four road wheels placed in pairs on a common elliptical spring, located at the rear of the idler wheel hull, and two wheels supporting the upper track of the track.

The suspension of the CKD tank_.jpg

the source: the net.
What sorta decals do you need for this one?
I've never seen a decal sheet for the 188F. I have my doubts that there was a sheet in 1/48 for the F model. My sheets are for the 188 A and D. I have a vacuform clear nose to convert one of my DML 188Es into a D. The sheets also include decals for my 1/48 Revell DO217 kits. The rest of the 188E to D conversion will come from my JU88G-1/ G-10 kit. The 188D used the same engines as the 188A as well as the JU88G-10.
Technological superiority.

From my father in law ; he was then serving with an engineers unit in French Equatorial Africa during the Vichy regime ; after operation Torch, his engineers battalion was transferred to Morocco, was equipped with US hardware, vehicles and uniforms, merged with the 17th Colonial Engineers Regiment and after operation Dragoon, served from Southern France to the invasion of Germany.

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B-17G 43-38673 JD-L of the 384th Bomb Group. Erding, Germany 28 July 1945. Entered combat on Oct 30 1944. This B17 was assigned to 72 missions and received credit for 63 of them. After hostilities ended, used for mapping duties. Was scrapped after this landing incident.


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