Picture of the day. (3 Viewers)

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On this day 40 years ago. Dec 15 1981.

James Harold "Jimmy" Doolittle, who was 85 Monday, finally got his Navy aviator wings, the Defense Department announced. Army Lieutenant General Doolittle, retired, was made an honorary naval pilot last Friday, almost 40 years after he led a flight of 16 B-25 Mitchell bombers off the aircraft carrier USS Hornet (CV-8) for a daring raid on Tokyo.
Well he did fly off a carrier, so he was entitled to it. LOL

The Queen of England inspects the 306th BG B-17G 42-102547 "ROSE OF YORK"

Princess Elizabeth at this stage, for whom the B-17 was named, although her mother, Queen Elizabeth was present - a title by association rather than inheritance as her husband was the ruling monarch, King George VI, whose actual first name was Albert...
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Dec 7 1941 WWII Official Photos Co Pearl Harbor Attack

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