Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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The Queen of England inspects the 306th BG B-17G 42-102547 "ROSE OF YORK"

This B17 was Missing in Action following a mission to Berlin February 3rd 1945. 10 KIA. Hit by Flak over target and on the return flight. In the last radio contact, the pilot reported that one engine had been shot out and another losing gasoline and that they were headed for the English Coast. Nothing was heard nor found about the Fortress and the men on board, which were considered as having crashed in the Channel, with all men on board Missing In Action. Missing Air Crew Report - MACR 12283

368th BS, 306th BG crew with B-17F 41-24487 BO-Q "Eager Beaver" at Thurleigh 1944. Was the longest serving B-17F in 8th BC. Returned to the USA Tinker 28/7/44; to Williamsport Technical Institute, Patterson Fd, Penn.; 20/6/45 for aeronautical programme, the nose section still on display.

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