Picture of the day.

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Aeroflot VMV-3 semi-trailer was designed to clear freshly-fallen snow on Soviet airfields. The rig had a pair of Ivchenko AI-20 turboprops mounted coaxially on pylons amidships, fuel supply came from the "Aeroflot" marked rear tank. In operation those propellers created two strong air streams directed to the left and right of the machine.

The Aerogypt "safety aeroplane" was designed and built by Saleh Helmy, an egyptian engineer. With the British civil registration G-AFFGfirst flew at Heston aerodrome in west London in 1938. It incorporated an additional aerofoil section on top of the fuselage which could be raised as a landing flap and also had a slow speed automatic slot at the front.
The aesthetics can be explained because of the French presence in Egypt.

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