Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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The Warsaw has nothing in cammon with the pic. It is the Mszczonów town and the Pz.Kpfw II Ausf.b, no.145 of the Pz.Reg.36 in 1939. Mszczonów is 46 km South West of Warsaw.

more pics of the tank and other wrecks there : Polenfeldzug '39 - albumy / Polskie miasta - wraki i pojazdy pancerne / S4303: Mszczonów 1939 | Pancerne wraki '39
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Link trainer, Army Air Force Technical Training Command Chanute Field, Rantoul, IL

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We actually had one of these at Training Device School, as a "gate guard" or "quarterdeck ornament", except it was totally functional....in 1970! We each had our "night in the barrel" as a humorous initiation. As a licensed pilot, I couldn't fly a HF four legged range approach (1930s technology) any better than the 8th grade dropout who was in our class.
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