Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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I dunno, looks like all the non-Wildcats appear to have perforated dive flaps, so likely not TBDs.
Yeah, I guess you're right. I thought that plane beind the second Wildcat, on the right side, had a different wing, but it might just be a combination of the sunlight and the angle of the plane to the camera.
I thought a few other planes in that section had a different wing, as well, but again, I think its just the angle of those planes to the camera.
So, Dauntless's and Wildcats. That's cool.
162nd Turkestan Division Italien 44 Bandenkampf Ostvölker 162. Turk. Inf. Div


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Ordnancemen of Scouting Squadron Six (VS-6) load a 500 pound demolition bomb on an SBD scout bomber on
the flight deck of USS Enterprise (CV-6), during the first day of strikes on Guadalcanal and Tulagi, 7 August 1942.
Note aircraft's landing gear and bomb crutch; also bomb cart and hoist.

Used to go to Port said for holidays when living in Egypt as a kid, could also be a nice new bit of wing in that huge crate. :D

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