Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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First pic , left : Heinrich Himmler ?

Yep .. that's him. The one on his left is Joseph Goebbels. The man in front of Goebbels is the Duce. The guy on right ( in front of Himmler ) is Hans Frank. Later he became the Nazi governor of Poland,
Yep .. that's him. The one on his left is Joseph Goebbels. The man in front of Goebbels is the Duce. The guy on right ( in front of Himmler ) is the Nazi governor of Poland, Hans Frank.

Okay, that is what I saw, thanks !

And on pic 2 : center , Adolf Hitler ; just behind him: Benito Mussolini. And unidentified italian officer with round helmet full right.

Where and when this meeting happened ?
Both shots were taken during Hitler's visit to Italy, May 1938. The top shot seems to be taken in Florence while the bottom one at the observation post in Santa Marinella where they were observing a military training maneuver of a simulated infantry assault.

The series of the two shots taken on that day.

the pic source:
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