Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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...and I STILL would not want to hand crank even 7000 gallons of fuel into anything!
Motor driven pumps. That's the order of the day when you're talking about that much fuel.
Didn't some of those planes have the ability to use their fuel pump to fill the tanks?
Seems like I read something about that.
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That is why I said it would be overweight. As well as the weight of the guns you have to add the weight of the structural changes and to add those wing guns and ammo boxes and the access doors and then replace all the structural rigidity you just destroyed could well add almost as much weight as the guns themselves.

As for the nose guns themselves they are aft of the nose attachment point so are going to be installed in an area that is already full of pilots feet/legs, the rudder pedals and nose landing gear and a whole lot of other non essential stuff like that.

Interesting. I agree about how useful it would be but at least the guns and ammo are balanced around the CoG. I am guessing that is an external fuel tank or drop tank under the wing although it does appear to have fins so maybe a bomb of some sort. If so I do not understand the need for strapping.

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