Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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There is a wine vat about this size in the Heidelberg Schloss with a dance floor on top. We had our Junior/Senior Prom there in 1955.
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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
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The P-51B Mustang, "Impatient Virgin?". This specific Mustang was delivered in early 1944 to the 376th Fighter Squadron, 361st Fighter Group based in Bottisham, England. Among its 700 hours of combat flying were four sorties on D-Day. On September 27, 1944, it provided fighter support for the 445th Bomber Group in the Kassel Mission. Flying as part of the 361st Fighter Group, Impatient Virgin engaged in dogfights with German fighters. The 361st downed 18 FW-190 fighters that day, three of them by this aircraft and its pilot. Check out the photo on WWII Aircraft Photography Wall Art - P-51B Mustang, 20"x30" Framed | eBay

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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Six guys in the boat, only two are rowing.....there's my tax dollars at work.
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That is one too many rowing.

The correct ratio is explained below


Once upon a time the Government and the Opposition decided to have a competition boat race on the river Thames.

Both teams practised long and hard to reach their peak performance.

On the big day, they were as ready as they could be.

The Opposition won by a mile!

Afterwards the Government team became very discouraged by the loss and morale sagged.

Senior management decided that the reason for the crushing defeat had to be found and a project team was set up to investigate the problem and recommend appropriate action.


The problem was the Opposition had eight people rowing, and one person steering.

The Government had one person rowing and eight people steering.

Senior management immediately hired a consultancy company to do a study on the team structure. Millions of dollars and several months later the consultancy company concluded that:

"Too many people were steering and not enough rowing."

To prevent losing to the Opposition again next year, the team structure was changed to:
  • Four Steering Managers, and
  • Three Senior Steering Managers, and
  • One Executive Steering Manager, and
  • One rower

A new quality performance system was set up for the person rowing the boat to give more incentive to work harder and become a key performer.


The Government laid off the rower for poor performance, sold all the paddles and cancelled all the capital investment for new equipment.

They halted the development of a new canoe, awarded high performance awards to the Consultants and distributed the money saved to Senior Management.
You're right....THAT is my tax dollars at work!
The Canadian Gregor FDB-1 biplane fighter. First flight December 17, 1938.

View attachment 752712

From the lines I expect that it was the same person designed the Fleet Fort trainer.

From wiki

N4521U - the DC-1 was already five years old and the DC-3 already three years old by the time this first flew. EDIT - by this I meant the biplane fighter
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