Picture of the day.

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I was impressed with this photo. Probably it's not too hard to guess what it shows...
Not enough visible for me to tell
Simple logic is enough - it leads to two options, choosing one of the two is more difficult, but you can take into account the area of my interests in aviation history.
But respect - the most difficult thing, as it seemed to me, is to understand that this is structural tests of an airliner airframe.
Not too bad. We'll have it back on the line in the morning. Found in a lake in Norway. Mark Felton Productions on Youtube

View attachment 797606
Actual video:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RKi-jjTnQE&pp=ygULbWFyayBmZWx0b24%3D

The aircraft itself is now at Planes of Fame:



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