Picture of the day.

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"... IMHO yes they did. But I haven't seen a such image for instance. However the Germans recovered many of their own damaged and destroyed tanks, aircraft etc.. so it might have happened to the soviet stuff too."

It's well documented how effectively the Germans kept their armor and AFVs repaired .... sometimes at night under fire .... using cutting torches and lights. It's also well documented how effectively the Germans re-purposed Soviet armour, more so the T-34 than the KV1, IIRC.

But to harvest wrecked Soviet armor for scrap would be possible but would have to be a very specialized operation .... wrecks to graveyard/railhead, cut up, ship back to Germany .... to make it worthwhile. More effort than the reward, possibly.
Had they not been evicted from the Ukraine, steel scrap could have fed factories in the Ukraine proper. Some German industries had already begun manufacturing startup in the Ukraine when things started to slip.
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As far as the steel scrap is concerned.. I don't think there would be any opportunity for sending it to any factory in the Ukraine at that time. Even if there were German manufacturers there. The Ukraine was almost a pure agricultural area. What is more soviets relocated most of their factories to the East beyond the German's range. However there are pics with Russian planes both damaged and destroyed on gondolas ready for transportaion West. So it's possible the same could have been happened to the soviet armour stuff.

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