26th July 1942, Alpini of 4a Divisione Alpina Cuneense present the flag to the King Vittorio Emanuele III°, before leaving to Russia.
28th January 1943, at Valujki (Russia), the Divisione Cuneense with the remains of Divisione Julia, protecting the retreat of the rest of the ARMIR, were overwhelmed by Russians and had, in only one day, 13000 deads.
An italian "Siluro a lenta corsa" (Slow motion torpedo) during training.
The last survivor of the attack and sinking of Valiant and Queen Elizabeth at Alexandria, 19th dec. 1941, Capo Palombaro Emilio Bianchi, M.O.V.M, died August 15th, 2015.
(source: the Internet)