Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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Panzer V Panther in Czechoslovakia 1945


the pic source: the Internet.
"I want to drive it! I want to drive it!"
八月二十三日 竹下部隊の手に捕虜となった支那正規兵

Not approved because not so dramatic.
Nice find.
Thank you! Funny thing is, I found it when digging through my old picture files on my computer. I totally forgot about it! Good thing I decided to go through them and delete my no longer needed pictures, or pictures I don't really like.
Exact quote from ww2db.com (where I got the picture from): "B-24H Liberator "Pegasus The Flying Red Horse" of the 784th Bomb Squadron landing at RAF Attlebridge, Norfolk. The parachutes were used for braking after the hydraulic system was shot out in combat."
B-24H Liberator “Pegasus The Flying Red Horse” of the 784th Bomb Squadron landing at RAF Attle...jpg

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