Picture of the day.

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what does the inscription say?
I'm not good with Russian, perhaps Wojtek would know a better translation, but my Bulgarian says the aircraft was named (or dedicated) after someone.

Learning to ride motorcycle in the dark? Sort of like blind flying. Note the skid mark. And are those spurs?
Probably lost control and busted his head or got lucky from a near-miss by a sniper.
And yes, the German Army had cavalry.
what does the inscription say?
I'm not good with Russian, perhaps Wojtek would know a better translation, but my Bulgarian says the aircraft was named (or dedicated) after someone.

To be honest the inscription seems to be in Russian and Moldovan languages. It means "On behalf of/ in the name of Marina Raskova from Moldavian women"

To be honest the inscription seems to be in Russian and Moldovan languges. It means "On behalf of/ in the name of Marina Raskova from Moldavian women"
Thank you, sir!

After the very long day I had, I thought my brain was just refusing to process the Cyrillic properly! :lol:
I wish there was a video of them trying to get it into the C-47. The aircraft already has stuff in it. I wonder if Comrade Stalin let him keep it.

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