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Anaquin, Burma. 26 September 1945. A grave, believed to be of ten men, the crew of an Allied B-24 Bomber, shot down by an Anti-Aircraft (AA) Unit of the Indian National Army, and buried by the Japanese on 3 January 1945 in a bomb crater from a previous raid.

American bombadier (and former Olympic athlete) Captain Louis Zamperini (left) speaks to NBC and Reuters correspondent Joe Laitin at a Radio Corporation of America station, September 27, 1945. Zamperini had recently been liberated after spending 28 months in a Japanese prison camp. Capt. Zamperini was a native of Torrance. His B24 crashed into the Pacific and he ended up being a POW. A movie was made about his life and the power of forgiveness of ones enemies and tormentors.


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